
Judit Bindics


Phone: +36 30 635 9190

Office: Budapest XIII, Szent Istvn krt. 23.


Barbara Kirchner-Kádár

Please get in touch with us by phone, email or by completing the online form!

We will “meet” you in an online video chat, understand the family’s expectations and tell you about the options available.

In this meeting we will go over the most important questions, such as the duration and timing of the study trip, your child’s personality, hobbies, favourite subjects. Based on these we can suggest schools to which we propose to submit the applications. We will discuss tuition fees and possible bursaries and how best to fit in time in the UK in the student’s current studies. This meeting usually takes about an hour, is always free of charge and free of any obligations to you.

I have read and accepted the Privacy policy.

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Springboard was set up so non-British children may also easily access a native English speaking environment and high quality, motivating teaching.