Useful information

There are several hundred boarding schools in Britain, we work with over 200 of these schools and have more than 25 years experience in this field. We know every one of these schools, visit them regularily and are in contact with the Headmasters and their teams. Each year we place over 500 international students at our partner schools and have detailed feedbacks from the students and parents, so we are in a great position to advise new applicants. 

What is the British boarding school experience?

All schools provide a full time native English language environment and high quality teaching standards. Your child will live and study with native English speaking teachers, students and coaches and will experience a “Full Immersion” in the English language, which leads to fast improvement in their standard of English, whatever their current level.

Importantly, children’s essay writing, reading and writing skills also improve, in addition to the rapid development of their spoken English. Many pupils tell us that after just three weeks they start to think in English and sometimes dream in English, too. There is no doubt that one cannot replicate the “Full Immersion” experience with language lessons at home, however many lessons one takes.


This is why even a 3 month course spent in a British school is the biggest gift to your child and the best investment in their future!

What else do the British boarding schools offer?

In addition to perfect English, there are many further benefits to studying at a British boarding school.

All schools have a positive and motivating teaching environment where the teachers’ goal is to bring out the best in every child. Teachers support the growth of each child’s selfconfidence and character, aswell as teaching them the curriculum subjects.

Small class sizes coupled with a highly motivated team of teachers guarantee that there is individual focus on every child, not allowing anyone to fall behind, while ensuring the highly talented children are suitably challenged. This is especially important as students progress to the last two years of their study and need high quality, individual attention during their A-level or IB studies and portfolio preparation. 

English language and Maths is taught in several groups in every year, called “sets”. Each child develops at their own best pace – whilst bringing out the most in their abilities. This environment means children achieve success and this in turn increases their motivation to study. At the same time talented children receive tailored guidance to excel.
Students are taught many useful study skills they will use in the future. Examples include useful note-taking, revision skills, exam preparation and exam pressure management.

After school there are over 40 activities to choose from, including several sports, arts, music, drama, dance, debating, and many others. Every child will find some they will enjoy and participate in and they are encouraged to try new ones. Naturally all activities are led by native English teachers and coaches. Sporty students have the opportunity to participate in teams and leagues. All schools place great emphasis on nurturing the students in a balanced environment, even those stidemts who are studying for hard exams to enter university will benefit from the well-rounded surroundings and many friends at the boarding houses.  

British boarding schools – perfect English, motivated teachers, quality education!



We work with over 200 schools and they are all a little different! There is a wide selection in their geographical location, school size and atmosphere, academic levels, subject choices, and the variety of activities and sports.

Smaller schools (150-200 children) have a more intimate atmosphere compared to some larger schools (500+). Some schools are stricter in behavioural and dress codes, some more relaxed. Most schools are mixed, but there are some girls only and boys only schools. There are schools in the countryside, at the sea-side and near big towns. Some schools offer only A-level courses, some only IB, some offer both. No two schools are the same!

Following a personal consultation with you, we will find the most suitable school for your child, where he or she will definitely be happy! We do not have any special agreements with any of the schools, our advice is fully objective and independent,  with only your child’s needs in our focus.

We guide you through the school selection and application process, handle all questions and set up your school interviews. Our consultation fee is euro 250 per child. The first consultation is always free and without any obligation to you!


Every school is located in a safe and beautiful surrounding. Some are found in the lush West-English country side, by the sea, some near historical towns throughout England, some are close to large cities. Other schools are located in the breathtakingly beautiful Lake District area, near the rolling green hills in Wales or in Scotland.

Most schools are built with traditional redbrick architecture, but we have some schools that are housed in modern buildings. Usually there is a central building where most of the teaching takes place and where the main dining halls are located. Close to this are the residence houses, where boys and girls live separately, with 24 hour adult supervision.

Students live in comfortably furnished 2-3 person bedrooms, older students may in some schools request to be in a single bedroom. Each residential building has several communal rooms where students work on their homework, play boardgames in the evening or watch films. There is a small kitchen where they can make cocoa or tea and have an evening snack while chatting with their friends. In every residential building lives a teacher with his or her family and usually a dog or a cat, this teacher will be your child’s “House parent” during their stay at the school and will help them with any questions that may arise.

Please get in touch with us by phone, email or by completing the online form!

We will “meet” you in an online video chat, understand the family’s expectations and tell you about the options available.

In this meeting we will go over the most important questions, such as the duration and timing of the study trip, your child’s personality, hobbies, favourite subjects. Based on these we can suggest schools to which we propose to submit the applications. We will discuss tuition fees and possible bursaries and how best to fit in time in the UK in the student’s current studies. This meeting usually takes about an hour, is always free of charge and free of any obligations to you.

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We work in cooperation with Germany’s leading educational consultancy Glasmacher Schulberatung